All Poetry


Fervid waters of a love unborn
stir shadows in a twilight dance.
Cheek flushed beneath a nectared kiss,
heart ravished with singular glance.

Repose her upon the horizon pure
over blooms of lavender sheen
to be searched beneath an open sky
as she descends into oblivion serene.

42 replies »

  1. Oops, I almost forgot to ask you a question. Please feel free to decline with no hard feelings okay? I just wish to know if it would be okay with you to draw you? I know you’ve probably never gotten that request, at least not from me. I would just pick a photo I find intriguing from your site and draw your face as best as my ability would allow. I would not reference you or your blog if I were to post it. That is unless you gave me permission. Yes, I’m sure a poem would accompany it, that’s just how my mind works. Thanks for your consideration. By the way, the two drawings I have posted on my site are of women I was personally involved with, as well as the words accompanying them. I would in no way disrespect you or write something so provocative. Thanks for your consideration. You have a very lovely, intriguing, and alluring face. You hide things in your smile, and I wish to capture that. Delete this comment okay? I don’t wish to have legions of requests from folks wanting their portrait drawn. I am not a professional artist by career, I just have always loved to draw and paint, as such, I am self taught with no illusions of grandeur.

  2. Good Afternoon Phoebe,
    I’m running out of places on your blog to post my video comments. Please feel free to delete them after you’ve heard them. I truly will not be offended. I’m not looking for blog traffic. The art on this post was vaguely reminiscent of an artist whose work I admire. Victor Bauer – This is a lovely montage of his work…. the song’s not too bad either 🙂

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