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Do you currently live with a chronic health condition or care for someone who does? Have you overcome a significant health event in the past? Would you like to use your experience to inspire others who may be going through similar circumstances while simultaneously expanding your own blog readership?

If so, PhoebeMD would like to invite you to submit your story to be considered for publication!

What kind of writing gets published on PhoebeMD?

  • Those that are genuine and heartfelt
  • Those that aim to encourage, educate, and touch the hearts of our readers
  • Those that aim to maintain an overall positive tone without sounding irreverent, antagonistic, or resentful

To learn more about submissions or to ask a question, click here.


6 replies »

  1. As readers of my blog will already know I was diagnosed with stage 4 testicular cancer in October 2018, with metastases to both lungs, my spleen and my brain. Until the Covid-19 struck I was planning to return to employment in early April. I have posted about my cancer in some detail: https://aspi.blog/?s=Cancer

    • Addendum to previous comment – I do not have Covid-19, but due to the cancer and the treatment I went through I am highly vulnerable and therefore effectively housebound for the present.

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