Category: Awards

The Birth of PuppyDoc.

Once upon a time there existed a doc
who had a pet cat and listened to Bach.

This doc was described as, ‘fun, loyal, and lovey,’
therefore she eventually was dubbed the name Puppy.’

In general, this Puppy lived quite a blessed life,
but a life of high pressure and occasional strife.

She loved her profession and for this she was glad, 
but certain times events would make her feel sad.

She cared for her patients and strived to make them well, 
So when they declined, she’d be down with no one to tell. 

In a way, this describes how “Musings” was born–
Because poetry was, in a manner, her way to mourn.

But then little by little came some blogging buddies–
so dear and supportive– for this she felt lucky.

So all you should know that she treasures EACH one of you,
for when reading your blogs…why–she can never be blue! 

In short…this is how a doc who thinks she’s a dog
winds up creating…a poetry blog.



A big thank you to PlotlessOne for this award.
Your blog is full of awesomeness.


Now for my nominations (in alphabetical order):

Christopher of The Brown Bag Special

Colin of A Dog’s Life

Debra of C-Dog & Company

Jane of InLoveLustandLaughter

Noodle of The Adventures of Noodle

Pam and Sammy of OneSpoiledCat

And finally, PuppyDoc’s encouragement to new bloggers: 

Keep on blogging your heart out!
You may not know it, but what you write is making a difference to someone, somewhere.


With Love, 



Tuna Fish & Blog Awards

Hi everyone! It’s me again…Samantha…yes…the cat!

But why am I flipped upside down all goofily, you might ask? Well, a couple of reasons:

  1. I found out today that some wonderful people have nominated this blog for some lovely things, and that makes me happy!
  2. I found out that my human trusts me enough to give me, such an ordinary kitty, the honor of writing the acceptance post for them, and that makes me even happier!
  3. I caught a 6-legged critter yesterday…and I played with it for a while (but please don’t tell my human I already broke my New Year’s promise…).

So without further delay, let me thank these nice humans first:

The Versatile Blogger Award: Thank you, CrumpledPaperCranes! We love how you cover everything from poetry to crafting. You are certainly deserving of the Versatile Blogger title, and we thank you for thinking of us!

Versatile blogger award

Premio Dardos Award: Thank you, Ruth Brodrick! We love how you are a medical student who takes time to write and blog; that makes you super cool in our book. Thank you for contributing to the world of medicine as well as the blogosphere!

Premio dardos award

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award: Thank you, Erica at Suburban Hobo! My human and I just adore your blog. Thank you for thinking of us!

very inspiring blogger award

And to help you get to know us better…

• 7 Random Fun Facts About PuppyDoc and SamanCat •

— I love Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. PuppyDoc likes them, but I go just nutty over them. I could stick my head in a bag and just fall asleep I get so happy!

— I came from the Humane Society. That’s where I met my human for the first time! On the other hand, PuppyDoc is not from the Humane Society.

— If I ride in a car, I must sit on my human’s lap, because I am really scared of Pet Taxis. We have accomplished several 12-hour road trips in this configuration.

— My human says I’m the gentlest kitty she has ever known, because I never hiss, bite, or scratch. My human often calls me a ‘gentle giant.’

— I secretly wish I were a doggie…sometimes I even think I am one!

— I had one litter of kittens before my human found me and gave me a new life. PuppyDoc has not had any litters.

— I love my human more than anything in the world! Even more than freshly opened canned tuna!

•      •      •

Now PuppyDoc and I would like to nominate…

 …For the Very Inspiring Blogger Award:

The Adventures of Noodle
Fuzzy Pup Poetry
Beyond The Flow

…And for the Versatile Blogger Award:

Another Voice

•      •      •

I hope I did an okay job on this post. Thank you so much for reading! Again, I am humbled.


With love,
Samantha & PuppyDoc

Very inspiring blogger award

The Story of PuppyDoc.

Once upon a time in a land far away (ie., Taiwan), there existed a smallish girl named Phoebe…

 phoebe chi

…who, in the 1980’s, was born into a family…complete with a mom, a dad, and a pet gibbon.


From an early age, Phoebe adored animals, therefore, when she grew up and went to university, she decided to become a purple kangaroo for the patients at the children’s hospital.


Phoebe soon realized something: she loved to help people. Eventually, this realization led her to start traveling the world, for long periods of time, to do volunteer work.

Of all the places, Phoebe worked in Africa the longest…namely, in the lands of West Africa and Madagascar.

On the island of Madagascar, Phoebe was known for befriending a lonely stray lemur named Buddy…


…with whom she would share her cactus fruit every morning.

There, she lived in a small village with a sweet family of 20 vibrant sisters…all of whom liked to dance.

Phoebe Chi Madagascar

On the other side of the continent, in the land of Ghana, she also lived with a lovely family, but in lieu of a lemur, she had a goat friend (who, tragically, eventually got eaten…).


After all that, Phoebe returned to the U.S. and became a doctor, because more than anything…she still wanted to help people.


Now, during her journey through medical school, her peers started to call her ‘Puppy,’ primarily, they claimed, because of her “loyal, affectionate, and loving nature.”

Gradually, the name ‘Puppy’ evolved until, finally, one day…

Phoebe Chi

…a ‘PuppyDoc‘ was born.

The End.



The Liebster Award – A poem [of sorts]

So I found out today
about the Liebster award,
so I thought I’d create a rhyme for you
with the hope that you won’t get bored.

I’ll start by thanking my nominator
who in this case is good ol’ ‘Jemverse,’
and then answer his eleven questions,
so I don’t get pushed into a hearse.

First question would be who inspires me,
and that in many cases are my patients,
as they never fail to touch my heart
through our encounter, our conversations.

Now while my favorite author is Dostoevsky,
my favorite book is not by him,
but Pathologies of Power, on health in developing countries-
a situation that’s dire and rather grim.

While a lot of my blog is about medicine
my first post was simpler than that-
which also brings me to my most treasured possession-
who is none other than my big, fluffy cat.

Now on to question six; we’re half way through:
“If you were a color, what would you be?”
I guess I would be brown, ‘cause it’s kind of bland
Which I’m afraid in several ways may describe me.

As for where I would like to visit-
the Galapagos…definitely.
And I would bring my first pet, Pepper
to play with the tortoises- a scene quite heavenly!

Now I will tell you my favorite flower,
which I’ll say is the water lily,
simply because I also like frogs-
oops, that reasoning is rather silly!

And as for whom I admire-
besides my mom, would be the saxophonist, the “Bird,”
which brings me to the last question- my favorite song-
“Blues for Alice”- one of the best pieces I’ve ever heard.

So thank you so much for bearing with me
as I recite my silly rhyme-
one so marvelously atrocious
it should certainly be made a crime!


11 Fast Fun Facts about PuppyDoc:

– She plays the alto saxophone and had aspired to be ‘the female Charlie Parker’ but ended up in medicine instead.
– She has traveled to many places around the world by herself, mainly to work and volunteer.
– In one of the countries, she befriended a stray ring-tailed lemur with whom she shared her cactus fruit everyday.
– In another country, she got a couple of mosquito-borne illnesses back-to-back.
– She grew up watching “I Love Lucy” and knows all the episodes by heart.
– She grew up watching “Sound of Music” and knows the script by heart.
– She’s an only child..
– Her first and only canine was Pepper, a Dalmatian (pictured below), whom she had for 14 ½ good years.
– She thinks possums are cute.
– The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had significant influence on her in that she now quite enjoys anchovy pizza.
– She gives most patients hugs.

As mentioned above, a really big thank you to Jem Croucher at ‘Jemverse- Life in Words’ blog for nominating me for the Liebster Award. It’s an honor and one I’m quite pleased to accept.

Now I’d like to nominate three blogs for the Liebster Award:

C-Dog & Company

Let Your Bark Create


This is Pepper.

This is Pepper.

•      •      •


With Love,

PuppyDoc + Samantha = Twins?

Hello! It’s Samantha…the Kitty!

Today, I feel super duper happy and warm and fuzzy all over. Why?? Well…because my big sis Puppydoc is letting me write the blog post! Me! While my blogging ability is nowhere near that of my fellow furball professionals (e.g. Sammy and Noodle), I will sure try my best!

Today I would like to take the opportunity to answer a very important question:

“Is it really true that Samantha and PuppyDoc are identical twins?”

While the unfortunate answer is a surprising NO– we are not of the same maternal oocyte… we DO indeed have many things in common…which leads me to…

7 Reasons Samantha and PuppyDoc are Like Twins:

1- Firstly, we are both a tad bit silly…hehe.
2- Secondly, we are both super cuddly…
3- …and we both like smooches and hugs.
4- We both speak our hearts in the way of poetry (don’t believe me? CLICK HERE!)
5- We both kind of like to think of ourselves as being of the macho canine breed. Woof!
6- We are both really sentimental.
7- Finally, while Puppydoc treats diseases, I have been told that my presence is VERY therapeutic. 😀

So see?? We ARE practically identical!


lovely-blog-award (2)

Now, for a big thank you.
Thank you, Mysterious Mind of Mine for thinking of us!!
Please go visit the blog. It is lovely!


And now, I would like (with Puppydoc’s okay)
to nominate a few furry bloggers I admire:

Cupcake of Cupcake Speaks
Lexi of Lexi the Schnauzer
Noodle of Adventures of Noodle
Sammy of OneSpoiledCat

The Fine Print for the Nominees:

1-Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog in the post.
2-Copy the rules and add the blog award badge as an image
3-Share 7 facts about yourself to your fellow bloggers.
4-Then nominate 15 people (I of course didn’t do this much).

With Love, 

Samantha & Puppydoc