Tag: blood pressure

diabetes what you need to know control

The A-B-C’s of Diabetes: What You Need to Know

Like most chronic conditions, diabetes is a disease that–while serious–should not deprive you of a long and fulfilling life. With that said, you might be feeling overwhelmed at the vast amount of information there is to know about the condition. If this is you, fear not! This article will cover the Diabetes Basics…which is essentially what you need to know in order to gauge how well you are managing your diabetes. 

In other articles, I will discuss how to eat successfully with diabetes by presenting two ways of meal planning (the Plate Method and Carb Counting). Together, you will be equipped with the skills you need to take control of your health once again.

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Low Sodium Diets How to Cut Down on Salt

Low Sodium Diets: How To Cut Down on Salt

Do you enjoy salty snacks? Do you often find yourself reaching for the salt shaker at the dinner table? In general, people eat much more sodium (salt) than they should. But why is it important to watch the amount of sodium you eat? It is important because the more sodium you consume, the higher your blood pressure becomes, which in turn can harm your health in the long run. Some conditions, such as certain heart and kidney problems, cause the body to hold onto sodium, which causes extra fluid to build up in the body. This extra fluid forces the heart to work harder. Therefore, if you live with chronic conditions, it is especially important to control the amount of sodium you eat. This article will cover the essential information you need to know that will make it simple to cut down salt and start on a low sodium diet.

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