Category: Encouraging Words

A Blessing poem Barbara Leonhard

A Blessing for You

By Barbara Leonhard | Featured Contributor

Dear Friends, most of us would agree that this past year has been extremely challenging if not tragic. Many of you have documented your pain and grief in poetry, fiction, and essays. St. Patrick’s Day is today and Easter is coming up, so it’s a good time for us to transmute our sorrow and fear into blessings. It’s spring, a time of rebirth as we see the daffodils blooming. Although daffodils are sometimes pelted by one last snowfall, they are resilient. Indeed, spring is full of promise as four-leaf clovers await our search for good health and fortune. The fourth leaf, luck, adds to the trinity, so even if we fail to find the four-leaf clover, we are truly never alone. With love, I offer this blessing…

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kindness heart

Let Us Do It Now

“I shall pass through this world but once.
If therefore, there be any kindness I can show,
or any good thing I can do, let me do it now:
let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

-Etienne de Grellet

Wishing each one of you love and happiness as we finish off this year.
