Tag: Health

diabetes what you need to know control

The A-B-C’s of Diabetes: What You Need to Know

Like most chronic conditions, diabetes is a disease that–while serious–should not deprive you of a long and fulfilling life. With that said, you might be feeling overwhelmed at the vast amount of information there is to know about the condition. If this is you, fear not! This article will cover the Diabetes Basics…which is essentially what you need to know in order to gauge how well you are managing your diabetes. 

In other articles, I will discuss how to eat successfully with diabetes by presenting two ways of meal planning (the Plate Method and Carb Counting). Together, you will be equipped with the skills you need to take control of your health once again.

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Action Planning How to Easily Achieve Your Health Goals

How to Easily Achieve Your Health Goals

Have you ever thought of something you either wanted to do (“I want to lose weight“) or felt like you should do (“I should eat healthier“), but you just cannot get yourself to take the first step, because the task seems too overwhelming or out of reach? Or maybe you start making changes, but then after a while start to feel discouraged at your apparent lack of progress? If so, you are not alone. Starting today, I want you to begin incorporating something into your life—a way of goal-setting called the Action Planning technique. The purpose of an Action Plan is to set you on the road towards your personal goals by breaking them down into small, achievable steps. So let’s get started!

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Heart Healthy Diet Practical Tips for Getting Started

The Heart Healthy Diet: Tips on Getting Started

Your diet, as most people know, is a big component of healthy living. There’s even much truth to the idiom, “You are what you eat!” However, when it comes to living with chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, having the right diet becomes even more important, as the foods you eat can make a huge difference not only in the symptoms you experience day to day, but also in the way your chronic conditions progress over time. What this means is that with the right diet—aka the heart healthy diet— you can take control of your health by helping to slow or even reverse your chronic conditions. When it comes to heart disease, being on a heart-healthy diet can protect you against further narrowing of your heart’s blood vessels and in turn help prevent further complications such as heart attack and strokes.

In this article I will discuss what types of foods make up a heart healthy diet. In another article, I cover the essentials of a specific component of heart healthy eating—the low sodium diet.

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natural headache treatment

Pressure Points for Headaches: Instant Headache Relief

Do you ever get headaches? Do you sometimes hesitate to pop a pill or find yourself without pain medications? I do. Therefore, I would like to share with you a technique that I find personally helpful for head and neck discomfort that you too can easily do anytime, anywhere. This techniques uses the activation of pressure points to relieve your headache symptoms and can provide instant relief.

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improving blood pressure

How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Perhaps you’ve been told you have “high blood pressure.” Or maybe you checked it yourself one day and noticed that it was 146/90. What now? Today I will discuss some ways in which you can improve your own blood pressure without taking medications. But before I do, let’s first answer an important question: What is hypertension and what’s the big deal?

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids: An Essential Food Guide

Omega-3 fatty acids and omega-3 foods. The benefits of fish oil.  No doubt you’ve heard these mentioned before. But is it all true?  While this article will present the fundamentals of omega-3 fatty acids—what they are, how much you need, and how you can get them naturally—be sure to check out the article focused on fish oil supplements and their benefits, with a discussion on what is known about them, what has changed, and what you need to be aware of. In this way, you will be empowered to make the best decisions for your personal health. 

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