Tag: pet

The Birth of PuppyDoc.

Once upon a time there existed a doc
who had a pet cat and listened to Bach.

This doc was described as, ‘fun, loyal, and lovey,’
therefore she eventually was dubbed the name Puppy.’

In general, this Puppy lived quite a blessed life,
but a life of high pressure and occasional strife.

She loved her profession and for this she was glad, 
but certain times events would make her feel sad.

She cared for her patients and strived to make them well, 
So when they declined, she’d be down with no one to tell. 

In a way, this describes how “Musings” was born–
Because poetry was, in a manner, her way to mourn.

But then little by little came some blogging buddies–
so dear and supportive– for this she felt lucky.

So all you should know that she treasures EACH one of you,
for when reading your blogs…why–she can never be blue! 

In short…this is how a doc who thinks she’s a dog
winds up creating…a poetry blog.



A big thank you to PlotlessOne for this award.
Your blog is full of awesomeness.


Now for my nominations (in alphabetical order):

Christopher of The Brown Bag Special

Colin of A Dog’s Life

Debra of C-Dog & Company

Jane of InLoveLustandLaughter

Noodle of The Adventures of Noodle

Pam and Sammy of OneSpoiledCat

And finally, PuppyDoc’s encouragement to new bloggers: 

Keep on blogging your heart out!
You may not know it, but what you write is making a difference to someone, somewhere.


With Love, 
