blog promotion eventMeet & Greet

Promote Your Blog!

Dear Friends—happy June! This week, I again open up for another networking event. I originally started this on PhoebeMD: Health + Inspiration as a dedicated time for bloggers to come together to share their work, make new connections, and expand their blog audiences. In short: a chance to promote yourself and your blogs. This is your time to shine!

Here are the guidelines . . .

To Promote Your Blog

Step 1 – Choose a post

Select a blog post that you would like to share with others.

Step 2 – Paste your link

Tell us a little bit about your post and copy and paste the link to it.

Step 3 – Network with others

Use the Comment Section to chat/connect with one another and make your presence known; take advantage of this time and platform to interact with other bloggers. The more love you give, the more you will receive in return. Those who actively use this post to network with others find that they experience more encouraging results than those who just leave a link and run.

Step 4 – Share & Enjoy!

Feel free to spread the word by sharing or reblogging. Bookmark this page and revisit as many times as you would like to explore new arrivals. We often get bloggers who join in later, so there are always new blogs to explore.

On these days, I turn off comment moderation to allow you all to easily converse with one another on this post. So feel free to use this platform to chat and network.

Let’s make this a great Meet & Greet event!

With love,

Phoebe Chi, MD
Phoebe Chi, MD

As a physician educator and the managing editor of Health + Inspiration, Dr. Chi aims to inform, empower, and inspire the reader community. She is the author of Being Empowered for a Healthy Heart: A personal guide to taking control of your health while living with chronic conditions, a poetry-infused health guide, and founder of Pendants for a Cause, a nonprofit organization with the purpose of raising funds to fight illness, provide care, and bring awareness to medically vulnerable populations around the world.

Pendants for a Cause Charity Jewelry

If you would like your writing to be considered for publication on Health + Inspiration, visit here for information regarding submissions.

148 replies »

  1. Hey There Bloggers!

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    I had a question that I was hoping somebody could help me with:

    You know how Beyonce has the BeyHive and Taylor Swift has Swifties; Do those of us who regularly participate in ‘Share-a-Post’ events have a name for ourselves? Are we PhoeBees? The Phoebs? No? Okay then. Moving on…

    In my most recent post I discuss why getting a pet dinosaur wouldn’t actually be as awesome as it sounds. You can find it here:

    As usual, special thanks to Phoebe for helping bring us all together. I look forward to reading through everyone’s work.

    Happy Blogging Everyone!

  2. Hi everyone! Thanks for this opportunity to share Dr Phoebe.

    I am also a doctor and I reflect on things I have learnt about life, relationships, grief, mental well-being etc from my patients. I also write sometimes about my own experiences.

    This blog post in particular reflected on grief and the experience of growing up a first generation Asian in a western society.


    • Thanks for sharing this profound personal essay. Very moving. And you are able to allow me to really understand your inner thoughts and struggles. Thanks for making the world that much closer to becoming one family.

    • Wow! Gosh… Everything you said resonated with me. Growing up in the west and trying to fit in!! Thank you for sharing, I’m going to follow your blog. 🙃

  3. Thanks once again Dr Phoebe for this amazing opportunity to share our lives, our thoughts, our passions.

    When I started my blog ( ) many years ago it was to document my joys and sufferings following my heart transplant. Then I added a daily quote and later a daily gratitude. Yep, I’m all over the place.

    Here is a recent post about waking up in the ICU 15 years ago, following my transplant.

    Thanks, DAP

    • Whoa! Forgive me for my sheer ignorance, but I just had several papers which focused on UNOS, organ donations and transplantations, what is and isn’t ethical, etc. I love hearing situations like yours where you’re here to share your experiences with everyone. Thanks for being alive today!

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