Tag: friendship

You Are Beautiful πŸ’™

Dear Friends,

What a fantastic turnout we had at the Labor Day Meet & Greet! It warms my heart to see you all supporting each other and making connections.

For those joining late, I encourage you to take the first step to visit some of the other blogs and make your presence known. I promise you will find some great friends along the way!

Thank you all for making this WordPress community a beautiful place. I appreciate each and every one of you!

To conclude, here is a fairly awkward photo of my very floofy cat, Samantha.


With love,

Phoebe πŸ’™

Do You Know You Are Wonderful?

Lately, I’ve been telling an old friend of mine how wonderful the WordPress community is (at least the little snippet of it that I know). I’m always amazed at how a community of people who have never met, and are so different, can be so kind and supportive of one another. Because of that, I really wanted her to ‘meet’ you guys, since she very recently started blogging and wants to connect with others. Aside from giving her blogging tips, I specifically wanted to connect her with those of you that I already know, because, simply put, you guys really warm my heart (and secretly, I feel that you all are the coolest bloggers on wordpress!) So that is the purpose of this post. 

Continue reading “Do You Know You Are Wonderful?”


Curtains raised
upon this stage
lifted shadows
one new day.
Encores played
familiar piece
kindred players
different key.
Life’s gavotte
a gleeful tune
every third beat
ends all too soon.

So what is left
now but to live
moments to take
and those to give.
To learn to love
and risk to lose
each turn a jewel
the heart will prove.
So let us grow
as rhythms flow
this one new day
for us to know.


Let Us Care For One Another…

Dear friends,

May I tell you about someone? It’s about one courageous woman who has a beautiful heart who just happens to have a brain tumor. She has undergone surgery and a long bout of chemoradiation, and although she has fought hard and continues to fight to maintain the kind of ‘normal life’ someone as lucky as me would take for granted, she was forced to reach out.

Continue reading “Let Us Care For One Another…”