Funny Stuff

Our New Year Promises to You.



PuppyDoc’s list

In the new year, I will…

1. …try to help a homeless person in some way each day.
2. …h
ug more elderly patients.
3. …remind
each nurse I see that he/she is appreciated.
4. …f
all in love with medicine all over again,
5. …and hopefully i
nspire someone else to as well.

At the same time, I will try not to neglect my own well-being by…

6. …listening to my mom about eating more veggies,
…not avoiding the dentist,
8. …realizing that a Clif Bar plus a Red Bull doesn’t constitute an ideal meal,

9. …and not refusing to go to the doctor… 

But seriously…

10. I only hope to make a small difference…one day at a time (…and live happily ever after with Samantha, of course).




Samantha’s list

Upon the next moon, I shall…

1. …find more ways to earn treats…
2. …but at the same time lose 3 lbs.

3. …
stop stealing pepperoni off my human’s pizza,
4. …
stop stealing chicken wings off the kitchen counter,
5. …and
try not to take up the entire pillow when sleeping atop my human’s head at night.

Moreover, if I find a gecko, or any living creature smaller than me, I shall…

6. …not bite it,
7. …nor squish it,
8. …nor terrify it with my intimidating presence,
9. …but allow it to go on living its peaceful life.

But most importantly…

10. I will remain fluffy, loving, and sweet…and live happily ever after with my human.




35 replies »

  1. Nice sentiments, giving is important isn’t it?

    On an unrelated note I love Prawns, hmm back to giving now! I would love to give you a very big thank you for sending me loads of Prawns (Shrimp), oh dear does that sound selfish? If it does do please remember if you would that Cats can be just a little bit selfish and want more of everything, cuddles, strokes, games and in my case Shrimp or Prawns.

    I do explain it all in my first book, hope you read it and liked it enough to buy the second!

    Thank you dear Phoebe for liking my little blog and for following me, I hope to lead you astray!


    The Cat

    • Hello Cat,

      I LOVE prawns! They make me oh so happy. Don’t tell my human, PuppyDoc, this, but I’m always stealing hers behind her back…


      Samantha the cat

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