Cynthia Cady Stanton poem on the wing of the breathAll Poetry

On the Wing of the Breath [a poem]

By Cynthia Cady Stanton | Featured Contributor

Create some wind.
No matter what swirls around you,
add some air to it.
Whether it is a sigh 
or a deep gulp,
get it going.

Don’t get caught in the holding of your inner breezes.
This only creates pain
Life is born in and through us
and it is only on the wing of our precious breath
that we can unfold and float
among the mountains and valleys.

This is what breathing is –
working with life.
And working with life,
is why we are here.

About the Poet - Cynthia Cady Stanton
About the Poet – Cynthia Cady Stanton

Cynthia Cady Stanton is a hospice chaplain, writer, and speaker. In addition to being a regular contributor to, her inspirational blog, Becoming and Beholding, can be described as “an exploration of a personal journey of awakening.” She is currently available to provide spiritual services and counseling to those in need.

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